Welcome to the funnest little shoppe where all the candles and wax melts are simple, natural & clean. Sometimes they're sweet & sometimes they're sassy!
Everything in my rustic little workshop is meticulously hand poured with so much affection and A LOT of four letter words. Love, care...and yes,
occasionally those other ones too!
Because it's all about the fun, along with the fantastically fragrant candle
products I've also added a little whimsy for your cherished space
& special moments!
Happy Shopping!
Olde Crow Creek has always been proud of providing a high level of customer service. Now that our new journey has taken us out east and online only, it is this Olde Crow's mission to continue to give each and everyone of you a level of excellence that you have come to know and have always deserved. If you're brand new to Olde Crow Creek I'm so excited to welcome you to a club like no other! You will learn quickly that I love to laugh, can be a bit saucy and will make every effort to ensure you feel special. Each candle and each melt have been carefully crafted with the utmost of care. Nurtured from the moment of inception until they are packaged up and on the way to their new homes. All product names and their special fragrances have a story where every decision was carefully planned and intentional. It's important to me that everyone gets a top-notch product and this will always be the case. My new little workshop already feels so magical, just like the little rustic yellow building was. So take a browse and imagine that this fun loving sarcastic storyteller is standing right in front of you as we discover what's perfect for you!
The Olde Crow
After working the rat race in a corporate environment for many years it was time to make my dreams a reality. When I first opened Olde Crow Creek, the goal was to be the favourite of someone. The little rustic yellow building was a place that you could come to find something special, and it was unlike any other you'd been to. I always wanted everyone to leave loving their experience and maybe not even understanding why?
Although I've been known to tell a dirty joke, say a few bad words and throw my uncombed hair under a ball cap, the passion for making Olde Crow Creek the best place ever never wavered.
Being online was not something I had ever planned. I always wanted to make sure you could hear how I perfected the art of sarcasm, laughed at my own jokes and slipped in the odd curse word when I unleashed the crash course on candle care. AND, of course see, touch and smell everything the shoppe had to offer, all while practicing your singing talents with the best music ever!
More importantly, it was my opportunity to welcome you to one of the most special places in the world to me. Being in my home away from home, it gave me a chance to show you how important you were to my little shoppe. The Crow was never just about stuff. It was always about the experience. I'm so thankful for the 8 fabulous years in the historic little town of Pakenham, just outside of our nation's capital.
Today is a new day, in a new province, with a new vision...and that means a new Olde Crow Creek. With the same passion I'm making it my mission to ensure your experience is as memorable as possible. It's very humbling to see that so many of you continue to be excited about this next chapter. I am absolutely thrilled that we will learn and grow together on this new journey. And to all the new friends of The Crow, welcome to the family! I'm so happy that you're here!
P.S. Now that everything is online I'm thinking it's quite possible that this housewife-with-a-hobby may never comb her hair again!